I am using tableview to show data.. i have only one section and rows coming according to JSON response count
here i am using four colours (pink, yellow, green, blue) for cell view background colour
present i am able to show all cells in one colour(yellow).. now i need to show each cell in 4 (pink, yellow, green, blue) colours
i mean if there are two cells then i need to show cell background colour one cell in pink and other in yellow
if there r 4 cells then 4 cells background colour in pink, yellow, green, blue
if there r 8 cells then first 4 cells in pink, yellow, green, blue colour and then next 4 cells in pink, yellow, green, blue colour
like this..
code for tableview cells:
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return self.homeData?.result?.recents?.count ?? 0
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "HomePostsTableViewCell", for: indexPath) as! HomePostsTableViewCell
cell.selectionStyle = .none
cell.catView.backgroundColor = .yellow
cell.categoryLabel.text = category
return cell
here present all cells showing in yellow colour cell.catView.backgroundColor = .yellow
but i need to change cell.catView.backgroundColor
in pink, yellow, green, blue colours..
how? please do guide me
Best way to do it would be to use to %
operator. It will get the remainder and correlate that to a color.
It will look something like this
switch indexPath.row % 4 {
case 0:
cell.catView.backgroundColor = .yellow
case 1:
cell.catView.backgroundColor = .pink
case 2:
cell.catView.backgroundColor = .green
case 3:
cell.catView.backgroundColor = .blue
Alternatively, you can store all the colors in an array and use the %
in that.
let colors: [UIColor] = [.yellow, .pink, .green, .blue]
cell.catView.backgroundColor = colors[indexPath.row % colors.count]