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C language not giving me the output in decimals

//Converts Farenheit tempretaure to into the celsius scale

#include <stdio.h>
#define FREEZING_PT 32.0f
#define FACTOR 5.0f/9.0f

int main(void)
    float faren,c;

    printf("Enter the Farenheit temperature: ");
    float c = (faren - FREEZING_PT)*FACTOR;

    printf("The required celsius tempreature is: %.1f\n", c);

    return 0;

Im a Complete C beginner and this may be very elementary but I cannot figure out the problem here.

In the above code, the value I get returned is always the Celsius temperature in integer values, even if it is a float type. For example, if the Fahrenheit temperature was 0°, the result in Celsius should be -17.7°, but I get the result only as -17°.

Edited code:

//Converts Farenheit tempretaure to into the celsius scale

#include <stdio.h>
#define FREEZING_PT 32.0f
#define FACTOR 5.0f/9.0f

int main(void)
    float faren,c;

    printf("Enter the Farenheit temperature: ");
    c = (faren - FREEZING_PT)*FACTOR;

    printf("The required celsius tempreature is: %.1f\n", c);

    return 0;


  • In your code, you've declared the variable 'c' twice. After removing the first declaration of the variable 'c', it's working properly.

    I'm getting the correct output.

    Enter the Farenheit temperature: 0

    The required celsius tempreature is: -17.8

    Enter the Farenheit temperature: 1

    The required celsius tempreature is: -17.2

    Enter the Farenheit temperature: 2

    The required celsius tempreature is: -16.7

    Remove the first declaration of the variable 'c'. It should work.