I have the following information in the DHCP leased file
lease {
starts epoch 1586469086; # Thu Apr 09 17:51:26 2020
ends epoch 1587765086; # Fri Apr 24 17:51:26 2020
tstp epoch 1587765086; # Fri Apr 24 17:51:26 2020
cltt epoch 1586469086; # Thu Apr 09 17:51:26 2020
binding state free;
next binding state free;
rewind binding state free;
hardware ethernet f8:d1:11:50:1c:2b;
set vendor-class-identifier = "MSFT 5.0";
client-hostname "TL-MR3420";
lease {
starts epoch 1586469229; # Thu Apr 09 17:53:49 2020
ends epoch 1587765229; # Fri Apr 24 17:53:49 2020
tstp epoch 1587765229; # Fri Apr 24 17:53:49 2020
cltt epoch 1586469440; # Thu Apr 09 17:57:20 2020
binding state active;
next binding state free;
rewind binding state free;
hardware ethernet 34:4d:ea:fa:9d:10;
option agent.circuit-id "mil-bras-06-- trunk 0/1/0/2:427.32";
client-hostname "ZTE";
lease {
starts epoch 1586469229; # Thu Apr 09 17:53:49 2020
ends epoch 1587765229; # Fri Apr 24 17:53:49 2020
tstp epoch 1587765229; # Fri Apr 24 17:53:49 2020
cltt epoch 1586469440; # Thu Apr 09 17:57:20 2020
binding state active;
next binding state free;
rewind binding state free;
hardware ethernet 34:4d:ea:fa:9d:10;
option agent.circuit-id "cnt-bras-07-- trunk 0/1/0/2:427.20";
client-hostname "ZTE";
is a reduced sample
I need to get after applying Python re if and only if "binding state active;"
the next:
binding state active;
hardware ethernet 34: 4d: ea: fa: 9d: 10;
option agent.circuit-id "mil-bras-06-- trunk 0/1/0/2: 427.32";
client-hostname "ZTE";
binding state active;
hardware ethernet 34: 4d: ea: fa: 9d: 10;
option agent.circuit-id "cnt-bras-07-- trunk 0/1/0/2: 427.20";
client-hostname "ZTE";
It is not mandatory to use the python module (regular expressions) I don't know if there are better ideas or alternatives
I am doing this ...
import re
with open('/var/lib/dhcp.leases', 'r') as f:
#pattern = re.compile(r'((option agent.circuit-id)\s"(\w{3}-\w{4}-\d{2}\W{2}))')
#pattern = re.compile(r'(\W{2}((\d{0,3}).(\d{0,3}).(\d{0,3}).(\d{0,3})\s\w{5}\s[0-9/]{7}:\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}"))')(
#pattern = re.compile(r'(lease [0-9.]+)')
#pattern = re.compile(r'binding state active;')
#pattern = re.compile(r'(hardware ethernet).(\w{2}:\w{2}:\w{2}:\w{2}:\w{2}:\w{2})')
#pattern = re.compile(r'(option agent.circuit-id)\s["]+(\w{3}-\w{4}-\d{2}\W{2}\d{1,3}[.]\d{1,3}[.]\d{1,3}.*?)')
contents = f.read()
matches = pattern.finditer(contents)
for match in matches:
I have several individual patterns to find the results but I don't know how to put them together fulfilling the conditional
If and only if "binding state active;"
We can try using re.findall
here, with a regex pattern which targets and captures the desired text:
matches = re.findall(r'(lease \d+(?:\.\d+){3}) \{[^}]+(binding state active;)[^}]+(hardware[^}]+option[^}]+client[^;]+)', inp)
output = ['\n'.join(x) for x in matches]
This prints:
['lease\nbinding state active;\nhardware ethernet 34:4d:ea:fa:9d:10;\n option agent.circuit-id "mil-bras-06-- trunk 0/1/0/2:427.32";\n client-hostname "ZTE"',
'lease\nbinding state active;\nhardware ethernet 34:4d:ea:fa:9d:10;\n option agent.circuit-id "cnt-bras-07-- trunk 0/1/0/2:427.20";\n client-hostname "ZTE"']