I am using ObservableHQ and vega lite API to do data visualizations and have faced a problem I can't figure out. The problem is that, I would like to access data object from the following data structure,
As you can see in my bad drawing, I have a multidimensional array and would like to access a specific array from the main array. How can I do that using Vegalite API?
thickness: 4,
bandSize: 2
vl.x().fieldQ("mins").scale({ domain: [-60, 60] }),
vl.color().fieldN('type').scale({ range: ['#636363', '#f03b20'] }),
.config({bandSize: 10})
Thank you,
Based on your comments, I’m assuming that you’re trying to automatically chart all of the nested arrays (separately), not just one of them. And based on your chart code, I’m assuming that your data looks sorta like this:
const diff = [
{ mins: 38, type: "Type B" },
{ mins: 30, type: "Type B" },
{ mins: 28, type: "Type A" },
{ mins: 20, type: "Type B" },
{ mins: 17, type: "Type A" },
{ mins: 19, type: "Type A" },
First, flatten all the arrays into one big array, and record which array each came from with a new array
property on the item object, with flatMap. If each child array represents, say, a different city, or a different year, or a different person collecting the data, you could replace array: i
with something more meaningful about the data.
const flat = diff.flatMap((arr, i) => arr.map((d) => ({ ...d, array: i })));
Then use Vega-Lite’s “faceting” (documentation, Observable tutorial and examples) to make split the chart into sections, one for each value of array: i
, with shared scales. This just adds one line to your example:
thickness: 4,
bandSize: 2
vl.row().fieldN("array"), // this line is new
.scale({ domain: [-60, 60] }),
.scale({ range: ["#636363", "#f03b20"] })
.config({ bandSize: 10 })
Here’s an Observable notebook with examples of this working. As I show there at the bottom, you can also map over your array to make a totally separate chart for each nested array.