I'm using OpenCV to find some images on screen and return it into a list of coords so pywinauto click on them, so everytime an image is found it gives a list like this:
[(297, 323), (390, 323), (297, 370), (437, 393), (314, 349), (408, 349)]
I want to get rid of (297, 323)
and (390, 323)
for example, how is it possible?
I have been searching for hours but my english ain't perfect so I'm always finding the wrong answers :(
if you want to remove all occurences:
a = [(297, 323), (390, 323), (297, 370), (437, 393), (314, 349), (408, 349)]
b = [x for x in a if x != (297, 323) and x!= (390, 323)]
if you just want to remove the first occurence:
a = [(297, 323), (390, 323), (297, 370), (437, 393), (314, 349), (408, 349)]
a.remove((297, 323))
a.remove((390, 323))