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Dynamic button text align to Left

I need to align button's text, horizontally left on C# WinForms application. All the buttons create dynamically. I tried few ways as bellow. But not worked.

private void dynBtnClick(string btnText)  //Dynamic Text List In flp2
    string[] listData = File.ReadAllLines(filePath + @"\" + btnText + ".txt");
    int e=listData.Count();

    flp2.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight;

    for ( int j =0; j<e;j++)
        Guna.UI2.WinForms.Guna2Button iBtn = new Guna.UI2.WinForms.Guna2Button();

        iBtn.Tag = j;
        iBtn.BorderRadius = 5;
        iBtn.Height = 25;
        iBtn.Width = 200;
        iBtn.AutoSize = false;
        iBtn.Animated = true;
        iBtn.FillColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#263238");

        iBtn.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;

        string[] btnFacetext = listData[j].Split('~');
        iBtn.Text = btnFacetext[0].ToString();

        iBtn.Click += (s, c) => { flp2Action(btnFacetext[0]+"~"+ btnFacetext[1], btnText); };

Not working for me.

iBtn.TextAlign = Left; 
iBtn.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;

Here is the current button state (marked by red lines). Need to texts align left. Please help on this.

enter image description here


  • Guna.UI2.WinForms.Guna2Button.TextAlign is of type HorizontalAlignment not ContentAlignment

    iBtn.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;