Search code examples

what would be the correct type for "tools" in EnterpriseInput input?

input EnterpriseInput {
    cnpj: String
    name: String
    email: String
    password: String
    tools: Tool

type Enterprise {
    id: ID!
    cnpj: String!
    name: String!
    email: String!
    password: String!
    tools: [Tool]

type Tool {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    brand: String!
    cod: String!
    qnt: Int!

type Query {
    enterprises: [Enterprise]
    enterprise( id: ID!): Enterprise

type Mutation {
    createEnterprise( input: EnterpriseInput!): Enterprise!
    # updateEnterprise( id: ID!, input: EnterpriseInput!): Enterprise!
    deleteEnterprise( id: ID!): Boolean,


Error message on console:

throw new Error( (error) {
Error: The type of must be Input Type but got: Tool.
at assertValidSchema (C:\Users\Elias\code\web\backEnd-…


  • In a mutation you cannot use standard Object type and must use Input type instead. And in input type you must use input type

    So instead of

    input EnterpriseInput {
    cnpj: String
    name: String
    email: String
    password: String
    tools: Tool      

    Try this

    input ToolInput {
       id: ID!
       name: String!
       brand: String!
       cod: String!
       qnt: Int!
    input EnterpriseInput {
      cnpj: String
      name: String
      email: String
      password: String
      tools: ToolInput    