How can I specify a field to have a default value for each request? not for all requests. I know how can I pass the default value for a field in the class-validator:
export class CreateUserDto {
username = "static-username";
But this piece of code would cause a static default value for all requests, But I need to generate a username for each request. Note: I know I can handle these kinds of problems/issues in the controller. but I think it is better to handle it in the validator. in the following example, you can see what i mean by handling the random value in the controller:
class CreateUserDto {
username?: string;
/* ... */
async createUser(@Body user: CreateUserDto) {
if (user.username === undefined) {
user.username = `random-${Math.random()}`
/* ... */
It's not true that you can only send back static values in the DTO. You can simply do this:
class CreateUserDto {
username: string = `random-${Math.random()}`
/* ... */
async createUser(@Body(new ValidationPipe({ whitelist: true })) user: CreateUserDto) {
console.log(user.username) // random-0.8392092045730202
/* ... */
Maybe your issue while testing was that you are not enabling the ValidationPipe: @Body user: CreateUserDto
has to be @Body(ValidationPipe) user: CreateUserDto
. With whitelist: true
you will also remove all not defined key value pairs which is quite helpful.