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Build a token for Simplified Chinese Identifiers

I'm trying to build a token for Simplified Chinese Identifiers.

Simplified Chinese Identifiers are defined in the specification as follows:

simplified-Chinese-identifier = first-sChinese-identifier-character *subsequent-sChinese-identifier-character
first-sChinese-identifier-character = (first-Latin-identifier-character / CP936-initialcharacter)
subsequent-sChinese-identifier-character = (subsequent-Latin-identifier-character / CP936-
CP936-initial-character = < character ranges specified in section>
CP936-subsequent-character = < character ranges specified in section>

enter image description here

Here is UNICODE-BESTFIT and Windows Codepage 936.

What I did is, for instance, to look for %xA3C1 in the page, then take its corresponding code, which is 0xff21. Thus, I found the corresponding code for %xA3C1,%xA3DA, %xA3E1, %xA3FA, %xA1A2, %xA1AA, %xA1AC, %xA1AD, %xA1B2, %xA1E6; %xA1E8, %xA1EF, %xA2B1, %xA2FC, %xA4A1, %xFE4F, and build CP936-initial-character as follows:

enter image description here

let cP936_initial_character = [%sedlex.regexp? 0xff21 .. 0xff3a | 0xff41 .. 0xff5a | 0x3001 .. 0x2014 | 0x2016 .. 0x2026 | 0x3014 .. 0x2103 | 0x00a4 .. 0x2605 | 0x2488 .. 0x216b | 0x3041 .. 0xfa29]

However, the problem is that some ranges look odd, for example, 0x00a4 .. 0x2605 and 0x2488 .. 0x216b which are not in a good order; and 0x3041 .. 0xfa29 looks too large.

Does anyone know what's the correct way to build this token?


  • Follow WindowsBestFit/readme.txt; in particular, description of multibyte mapping records in the WCTABLE section (the WCTABLE tag marks the start of the Unicode UTF-16 (WideChar) to "MultiByte" bytes…).

    The following, partially commented, Python 3 script (sorry, I don't speak VBA):

    • reads (previously downloaded) bestfit936.txt file line by line,
    • parses its WCTABLE section and builds an array of Unicode codepoints which gb2312 codepoint (codepage 936) matches rules of Simplified Chinese Identifiers and which Unicode Category is letter ('Ll','Lu','Lo') (see variable init_chars_16),
    • sorts codepoints in variable init_chars_16 and creates corresponding array of characters (variable init_chars_utf16),
    • groups codepoints in variable init_chars_16 to longest consecutive chains (variable init_chars_groups), and
    • prints a few characters, their codepoints and corresponding consecutive ranges (supply argument 1 to print all characters). There is 15477 applicable codepoints in (unfortunately) 1977 consecutive ranges.

    This is done only for CP936-initial-character however the same could be applied for CP936-subsequent-character as well (supply argument 2, see also Usage below and output examples).

    from itertools import groupby
    from operator  import itemgetter
    import unicodedata
    import sys
    if ( len(sys.argv) > 1 and [1,2,'1','2'].__contains__( sys.argv[1]) ):
      init_chars_test = int(sys.argv[1])
      demo_chars_test = False
      init_chars_test = 1
      demo_chars_test = True
    def first_last( some_list ):
      if len( some_list ) > 1:
        return '..'.join( [ '0x{:04x}'.format(some_list[0]),
                            '0x{:04x}'.format(some_list[-1]) ] )
        return '0x{:04x}'.format(some_list[0])
    if init_chars_test == 1:
      unicode_category = ['Ll','Lu','Lo']           # letters
      print( str('DEMO ' if demo_chars_test else '')
              + 'CP936-initial-character:', unicode_category, '\n')
      init_chars_CP936 = sorted(
        list( range( 0xA3C1,0xA3DA +1)) + 
        list( range( 0xA3E1,0xA3FA +1)) +
        list( range( 0xA1A2,0xA1AA +1)) +
        list( range( 0xA1AC,0xA1AD +1)) +
        list( range( 0xA1B2,0xA1E6 +1)) +
        list( range( 0xA1E8,0xA1EF +1)) +
        list( range( 0xA2B1,0xA2FC +1)) +
        list( range( 0xA4A1,0xFE4F +1)) )
      unicode_category=['Ll','Lu','Lo','Nd','Pc'] # letters or numbers or underscore
      print( 'CP936-subsequent-character addendum:', unicode_category, '\n')
      init_chars_CP936 = sorted(
        list( range( 0xA3DF,0xA3DF +1)) +
        list( range( 0xA3B0,0xA3B9 +1)) )
    wctable = False
    init_chars_16 = []     # Unicode UTF-16 codepoints (as integers) 
    init_chars_undef = []  # 
    i = 0
    with open(r'D:\Downloads\Unicode\bestfit936.txt',
      mode='r', encoding='gb2312', errors='backslashreplace') as ff:
      for rawline in ff:
        line = rawline.split('\t')
        if line[0].upper() in [
            wctable = False
        if  wctable:
          if len(line) >1:
            code_936 = int(line[1],16) if line[1].lower().startswith('0x') else 0
            if code_936 in init_chars_CP936:
              code16be = int(line[0],16) if line[0].lower().startswith('0x') else 0
              # µ vs. μ error 
              # 0x00b5  0xa6cc  ;μ     # at line 24608: 'Micro Sign'
              # 0x03bc  0xa6cc  ;μ     # at line 24718: 'Greek Small Letter Mu'
              if ( code16be > 0x00ff   # exclude 0x00b5 and permit only letters
                 and ( unicodedata.category( chr(code16be)) in unicode_category )
                 # and  len( chr(code16be).encode('gb2312','ignore'))> 0
                  # if len(unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',chr(code16be))) == 1:
                  init_chars_16.append( code16be)
          # The WCTABLE tag marks the start of the Unicode UTF-16 (WideChar) to "MultiByte" bytes
          wctable = rawline.startswith( 'WCTABLE')
          # for debugging purposes if wctable: print(i, rawline)
    init_chars_16 = sorted( set( init_chars_16 ) )
    init_chars_utf16 = [ chr(x) for x in init_chars_16 ]
    init_chars_groups = [] # groups of consecutive code points
    #                      #
    for k, g in groupby( enumerate(init_chars_16), lambda ix : ix[0] - ix[1]):
      init_chars_groups.append( first_last(list(map(itemgetter(1), g))))
    def finalprint(od, do, odg, dog, sep):
      global init_chars_utf16, init_chars_16, init_chars_groups
      print( ''.join( init_chars_utf16[od:do] )+'\n') # characters
      print( ', '.join( '0x{:04x}'.format(x)      
          for x in init_chars_16[od:do] )+'\n')       # their Unicode codepoints
      print( sep.join( x 
          for x in init_chars_groups[odg:dog])+'\n' ) # groups of Unicode codepoints
      print( len(init_chars_groups), ':', odg, dog )  # total number of groups and displayed range
    if init_chars_test == 1 and demo_chars_test:
      finalprint(354, 380, 23, 30, ' ')
      finalprint(0, None, 0, None, '|')
    print( init_chars_test, len(init_chars_CP936), len(init_chars_undef),
           len(init_chars_utf16), len(init_chars_groups) ) # resume
    if demo_chars_test:
        print( '\nUsage:\n\t%s [ 1 | 2 ]\n' % sys.argv[0])
        print( 'Examples:\n\t%s        // prints CP936-initial-character DEMO' % sys.argv[0])
        print( '\n\t%s 1      // prints CP936-initial-character' % sys.argv[0])
        print( '\n\t%s 2      // prints CP936-subsequent-character addendum' % sys.argv[0])

    Output: .\SO\

    DEMO CP936-initial-character: ['Ll', 'Lu', 'Lo']
    0x4e00, 0x4e01, 0x4e03, 0x4e07, 0x4e08, 0x4e09, 0x4e0a, 0x4e0b, 0x4e0c, 0x4e0d, 0x4e0e, 0x4e10, 0x4e11, 0x4e13, 0x4e14, 0x4e15, 0x4e16, 0x4e18, 0x4e19, 0x4e1a, 0x4e1b, 0x4e1c, 0x4e1d, 0x4e1e, 0x4e22, 0x4e24
    0x4e00..0x4e01 0x4e03 0x4e07..0x4e0e 0x4e10..0x4e11 0x4e13..0x4e16 0x4e18..0x4e1e 0x4e22
    1977 : 23 30
    1 23159 2085 15477 1977
            D:\bat\SO\ [ 1 | 2 ]
            D:\bat\SO\        // prints CP936-initial-character DEMO
            D:\bat\SO\ 1      // prints CP936-initial-character
            D:\bat\SO\ 2      // prints CP936-subsequent-character addendum

    Output: .\SO\ 2

    CP936-subsequent-character addendum: ['Ll', 'Lu', 'Lo', 'Nd', 'Pc']
    0xff10, 0xff11, 0xff12, 0xff13, 0xff14, 0xff15, 0xff16, 0xff17, 0xff18, 0xff19, 0xff3f
    2 : 0 None
    2 11 0 11 2