I'm trying to use an auxiliary mapping table to translate the property content. "Phone" is the data and "aux" is the object with the mapping table.
"Phone": [
"type": "home",
"number": "0203 544 1234"
"type": "office",
"number": "01962 001234"
"type": "office",
"number": "01962 001235"
"type": "mobile",
"number": "077 7700 1234"
"aux" : {
"home" : "casa",
"office" : "escritório",
"mobile" : "celular"
$lookup seems a good fit and I wrote the following JSONata code
"Telefone" : Phone.{
"tipo" : $lookup(aux, type),
"numero" : number
"tipo" : $lookup(aux, Phone[0].type)
"tipo" inside the array is not working, but outside, for any specific array member seems to work fine.
"Telefone": [
"numero": "0203 544 1234"
"numero": "01962 001234"
"numero": "01962 001235"
"numero": "077 7700 1234"
"tipo": "casa"
What am I missing? Thanks
I just found the problem. I should use the root to refer the mapping table, such as
"tipo" : $lookup($$.aux, type),