iam using riverpod with dartz , nad iam facing a problem that when using a future provider with my function i can't get my hand on the either as well , how can i isolate what i want to retrieve from the function with error handling !
my provider code :
final activeCourseProvider =
FutureProvider.autoDispose.family<List<CourseModel>, int>((ref, yearId) {
final _courseRepository = ref.watch(coursesRepositoryProvider);
return _courseRepository.activeCourses(yearId);
my function code :
Future<Either<ApiFailures, List<CourseModel>>> activeCourses(int yearId) async {
try{ final response = await http.post(
body: {"flag": "selectcourses", "year": "$yearId"});
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var l = json.decode(response.body) as List<dynamic>;
var courses = l.map((e) => CourseModel.fromJson(e)).toList();
return right(courses);
} else {
return left(ApiFailures.notFound());
} on SocketException {
return left(ApiFailures.noConnection());
} on HttpException {
return left(ApiFailures.notFound());
the error that pops up is : The return type 'Future<Either<ApiFailures, List<CourseModel>>>' isn't a 'Future<List<CourseModel>>', as required by the closure's context.
It seems that your Provider activeCourseProvider
is supposed to return a List<CourseModel>
, not an Either<ApiFailures, List<CourseModel>>
You could use fold
the Either
value as follows:
final activeCourseProvider = FutureProvider.autoDispose.family<List<CourseModel>, int>((ref, yearId) {
final _courseRepository = ref.watch(coursesRepositoryProvider);
return _courseRepository.fold<List<CourseModel>>(
(ApiFailures failure) => {
// Handle failure
return [];
(List<CourseModel> r) => r
However, you might also want to have your Provider returning an Either<ApiFailures, List<CourseModel>>
value instead of a List<CourseModel>
. That could be useful if you want to handle the ApiFailures
further down in your presentation layer. This depends on your architecture.