I have a SwitchPreference
in my SettingsFragment.kt
that changes the icon and title depending on if it's on or off.
This is the code for that:
notificationsPreference.onPreferenceChangeListener = Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener { _, newValue ->
val switched = newValue as? Boolean ?: false
if (switched) {
notificationsPreference.icon = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this@SettingsFragment.requireContext(), R.drawable.ic_notifications_active)
notificationsPreference.title = "Receive Notifications"
} else {
notificationsPreference.icon = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this@SettingsFragment.requireContext(), R.drawable.ic_notifications_off)
notificationsPreference.title = "Mute Notifications"
This code works, however, let's say the user clicks the SwitchPreference
to be off, leaves the SettingsFragment
and comes back to it. It will show the SwitchPreference
off, but the title and icon won't be correct. The correct icon and title would be the code I have in my else
statement above.
How do I check the current state of a SwitchPreference
before the user enters the SettingsFragment
. I want to check it so that if the SwitchPreference
is off, I can programmatically set the correct icon and title.
The SwitchPreference
maintains the current value in the SharedPreference
using a boolean key/value pair.
So, you can do this whenever the PreferenceFragment
shown using one of its lifecycle methods like onCreatePreferences()
override fun onCreatePreferences(savedInstanceState: Bundle, rootKey: String) {
R.xml.settings, // Your setting.xml file
val preference = findPreference(
getString(R.string.my_preference_key) // Change this to the preference key set in the settings XML file
val sharedPrefs =
// Get the preference value
val isOn: Boolean = sharedPrefs.getBoolean(
false // default value
if (isOn) {
notificationsPreference.icon = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this@SettingsFragment.requireContext(), R.drawable.ic_notifications_active)
notificationsPreference.title = "Receive Notifications"
} else {
notificationsPreference.icon = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this@SettingsFragment.requireContext(), R.drawable.ic_notifications_off)
notificationsPreference.title = "Mute Notifications"
Make sure to change R.xml.settings
to the your settings file name, and also the R.string.my_preference_key
to the preference key.