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How to find near stores from store location (latitude, longitude) from store table?

I have a Postgresql table named stores which contains a store's location (lat, long), and I can find near stores from a store using query. However, I can't find a query to create a 'ready'-generated table which create list of near stores for every store. This is the query I used to get list of near stores:

select, mds.store_name
    from mds,
    (select latitude, longitude from where id = '3f6077c0-c56b-4570-883f-4c16dc19855e') as st,
    sqrt(111.12 * (mds.latitude - st.latitude) * 111.12 * (mds.latitude - st.latitude) + (111.12 * (mds.longitude - st.longitude) * cos(st.latitude / 92.215)) * (111.12 * (mds.longitude - st.longitude) * cos(st.latitude / 92.215))) as distance
where distance <= 20
order by distance
limit 100

I can't replace the '3f6077c0-c56b-4570-883f-4c16dc19855e' by The table columns of store table is:

| id  | store_name  | latitude   |  longitude  |

Please help me with this request. Thank you very much.


  • Spatial queries are better handled using the extension PostGIS. It has loads of really handy functions that make spatial queries very easy to write and to maintain. My suggestion:

    Install Postgis (see this other answer)

    Add a geometry column to your table, e.g.

    SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('public','store','geom',4326,'POINT',2);

    Create point geometries based on your latitude and longitude values:

    UPDATE store SET geom = ST_MakePoint(longitude,latitude);

    Index it (to make queries faster)

    CREATE INDEX idx_store_geom ON store USING gist (geom);

    After that, this is how a query to list the nearest neighbours of a given point would look like:

    SELECT * FROM store
    ORDER BY geom <-> ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(92.215,111.12),4326)

    Or if you want the nearest store to each store ..

    SELECT * FROM store mds,
    LATERAL (SELECT store_name,ST_Distance(geom,mds.geom) FROM store
             WHERE id <>
             ORDER BY geom <-> mds.geom
             LIMIT 1) c (closest_store,distance);
    • The operator <-> stands for distance, so using it in the ORDER BY clause with LIMIT 1 selects only the record that is closest to a reference geometry.
    • 4326 stands for the spatial reference system WGS84. It might vary depending on your coordinates.

    Demo: db<>fiddle