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How to get the minimum XOR of a given value and the value from a query of range for a given array

Given an array A of n integers and given queries in the form of range [l , r] and a value x, find the minimum of A[i] XOR x where l <= i <= r and x will be different for different queries.

I tried solving this problem using segment trees but I am not sure what type of information I should store in them as x will be different for different queries.

0 < number of queries <= 1e4

0 < n <= 1e4 


  • I was able to solve this using segment tree and tries as suggested by @David Eisenstat

    Below is an implementation in c++. I constructed a trie for each segment in the segment tree. And finding the minimum xor is just traversing and matching the corresponding trie using each bit of the query value (here)

    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    #define rep(i, a, b) for (int i = a; i < b; i++)
    using namespace std;
    const int bits = 7;
    struct trie {
        trie *children[2];
        bool end;
    trie *getNode(void)
        trie *node        = new trie();
        node->end         = false;
        node->children[0] = NULL;
        node->children[1] = NULL;
        return node;
    trie *merge(trie *l, trie *r)
        trie *node = getNode();
        // Binary 0:
        if (l->children[0] && r->children[0])
            node->children[0] = merge(l->children[0], r->children[0]);
        else if (!r->children[0])
            node->children[0] = l->children[0];
        else if (!l->children[0])
            node->children[0] = r->children[0];
        // Binary 1:
        if (l->children[1] && r->children[1])
            node->children[1] = merge(l->children[1], r->children[1]);
        else if (!r->children[1])
            node->children[1] = l->children[1];
        else if (!l->children[1])
            node->children[1] = r->children[1];
        return node;
    void insert(trie *root, int num)
        int mask = 1 << bits;
        int bin;
        rep(i, 0, bits + 1)
            bin = ((num & mask) >> (bits - i));
            if (!root->children[bin]) root->children[bin] = getNode();
            root = root->children[bin];
            mask = mask >> 1;
        root->end = true;
    struct _segTree {
        int n, height, size;
        vector<trie *> tree;
        _segTree(int _n)
            n      = _n;
            height = (int)ceil(log2(n));
            size   = (int)(2 * pow(2, height) - 1);
        trie *construct(vector<int> A, int start, int end, int idx)
            if (start == end) {
                tree[idx] = getNode();
                insert(tree[idx], A[start]);
                return tree[idx];
            int mid   = start + (end - start) / 2;
            tree[idx] = merge(construct(A, start, mid, 2 * idx + 1),
                              construct(A, mid + 1, end, 2 * idx + 2));
            return tree[idx];
        int findMin(int num, trie *root)
            int mask = 1 << bits;
            int bin;
            int rnum = 0;
            int res  = 0;
            rep(i, 0, bits + 1)
                bin = ((num & mask) >> (bits - i));
                if (!root->children[bin]) {
                    bin = 1 - bin;
                    if (!root->children[bin]) return res ^ num;
                rnum |= (bin << (bits - i));
                root = root->children[bin];
                if (root->end) res = rnum;
                mask = mask >> 1;
            return res ^ num;
        int Query(int X, int start, int end, int qstart, int qend, int idx)
            if (qstart <= start && qend >= end) return findMin(X, tree[idx]);
            if (qstart > end || qend < start) return INT_MAX;
            int mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
            return min(Query(X, start, mid, qstart, qend, 2 * idx + 1),
                       Query(X, mid + 1, end, qstart, qend, 2 * idx + 2));
    int main()
        int n, q;
        vector<int> A;
        vector<int> L;
        vector<int> R;
        vector<int> X;
        cin >> n;
        A.resize(n, 0);
        rep(i, 0, n) cin >> A[i];
        cin >> q;
        rep(i, 0, q) cin >> L[i] >> R[i] >> X[i];
        _segTree segTree(n);
        segTree.construct(A, 0, n - 1, 0);
        rep(i, 0, q)
            cout << segTree.Query(X[i], 0, n - 1, L[i], R[i], 0) << " ";
        return 0;

    Time complexity : O((2n - 1)*k + qklogn)

    Space complexity : O((2n - 1)*2k)

    k -> number of bits