I am trying to run a query using Dapper and map data to a custom class object Emp.
public class Emp
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
My dapper execution code:
string connectionString = @"Server = myserver; userid = test; password = test; database = testdb; port = 3306; Convert Zero Datetime=True";
using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString))
string sql = "SELECT * FROM EMP where empno = 1010;
List<Emp> empList = connection.Query<Emp>(sql: sql).ToList();
The above code is working fine. I tried the following,
Emp emp = (Emp)connection.Query<Emp>(sql:sql);
Error: Unable to cast object of type System.Collections.Genetic List[Emp] to type Emp
I can get the record as below and its working.
Emp emp1 = empList[0];
Is there anyway I can get the query return type as Emp?
The method Query returns a list of records (rows).
To get only one result you need to use QuerySingle
or QuerySingleOrDefault
Emp emp = connection.QuerySingleOrDefault<Emp>(query);