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Rust implementation of sigval get sival_int

In the rust implementation of sigval from C only the sival_ptr is present, is there a way to get sival_int?
This is how sigval looks in C:

union sigval {
               int   sival_int;
               void *sival_ptr;

And this is how it looks in rust:

pub struct sigval {
    pub sival_ptr: *mut c_void,


  • Given that the C version is a union, you can cast the *mut c_void pointer to c_int:

    use std::ffi::c_void;
    use std::os::raw::c_int;
    //  A dummy struct for the sake of the test. 
    union Signal {
        sival_int: c_int,
        sival_ptr: *mut c_void,
    fn main() {
        let x = Signal {
            sival_int: 0x01020304,
        unsafe {
            let x = x.sival_ptr as c_int;
            println!("{:0X}", x);