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Managing Dynamic Keys in response through Codable Protocol

I need to make the codable model for the dynamic keys of dictionary coming from response below is the response I'm getting.

"data" : [
               "desc1" : null,
               "file1" : "uploads\/posts\/Aug-2021\/1629271422310452767"
               "desc2" : "hello",
               "file2" : "uploads\/posts\/Aug-2021\/162927142279356160WhatsApp+Image+2021-07-02+at+12.09.14+PM.jpeg"
"status" : "success"

This desc1 and file1 is dynamic till like file1, file2 and so on, I need to have codable model for that below is my model that is not supportive.

struct ListModel: Codable {
    public var data: [data]?
struct data: Codable {
   let file : String?
   let desc : String?

Anything support by codable protocol for that. Thanks in Advance.


  • You need a custom initializer. Of course this will only work if your json will always come formatted as described:

    struct File {
        var file: String? = ""
        var desc: String? = ""
    struct Response {
        let files: [File]
        let status: String
        enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
            case files = "data", status
    extension Response: Decodable {
        init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
            let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
            self.status = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .status)
            let elements = try container.decode([[String: String?]].self, forKey: .files)
            self.files = elements.reduce(into: []) {
                var file = File()
                for (key, value) in $1 {
                    if key.hasPrefix("file") {
                        file.file = value
                    } else if key.hasPrefix("desc") {
                        file.desc = value

    Playground testing:

    let json = """
        "data" : [
                       "desc1" : null,
                       "file1" : "uploads/posts/Aug-2021/1629271422310452767"
                       "desc2" : "hello",
                       "file2" : "uploads/posts/Aug-2021/162927142279356160WhatsApp+Image+2021-07-02+at+12.09.14+PM.jpeg"
        "status" : "success"

    do {
        let response = try JSONDecoder().decode(Response.self, from: Data(json.utf8))
    } catch {

    This will print:

    Response(files: [File(file: Optional("uploads/posts/Aug-2021/1629271422310452767"), desc: nil), File(file: Optional("uploads/posts/Aug-2021/162927142279356160WhatsApp+Image+2021-07-02+at+12.09.14+PM.jpeg"), desc: Optional("hello"))], status: "success")