I have this two packages which i want to use flutter_linkify and readmore. linkify turns urls and email in a text into clickable link while readmore cuts long text into shorter one and i want to use both of them in with the same text
String randomText = "DetectableTextField is published as a refinement of this [email protected] package. hashtagale forces you to use hashtag, but this one allows you to detect anything you want. If you also want https://www.google.com to decorate At sign, you can do that by adding the argument decorateAtSign: true. "
//Using linkify
onOpen: (link) => print("Clicked ${link.url}!"),
text: randomText,
//using readmore
trimLines: 2,
colorClickableText: Colors.pink,
trimMode: TrimMode.Line,
trimCollapsedText: 'Show more',
trimExpandedText: 'Show less',
moreStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
So how can i use the both packages with the same text without showing two different text on the same screen
Unfortunately, since each of these widgets takes a string (rather than a child widget), they cannot be composed with each other.
I think you're best bet is to use the ExpandablePanel widget, instead of ReadMoreText
, and then use Linkify
on the child widgets.
Something like this might work (though you'll probably have to tweak for your exact use case).
collapsed: Linkify(article.body, softWrap: true, maxLines: 2, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,),
expanded: Linkify(article.body, softWrap: true, ),
tapHeaderToExpand: true,
hasIcon: true,