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C# Calculate multiple curvatures with lat/long array

I have an array of latitude and longitudes making an entire route from origin to destination, but I'm really struggling to calculate all the curvatures for the entire rail route, including having left turns as a negative value and right turns as positive (or visa-versa, whichever is easier).

I also have code that gives me a bearing and also the difference between two bearings but that's as far as I've got (code below).

From setting off at the green marker from the image below, travelling west (left), there is:

  • Slight curve to the right
  • A sharper turn to the right
  • A turn to the left
  • Smaller turn to the left
  • Mostly straight
  • A sharp left
  • A bit of straight
  • Followed by an immediate sharp right

Essentially, it's calculating the radius of the turn for each of the turns in the above list/picture.

enter image description here

Desired Output object

public EdgeCurve[] Curves {get; set;}

public class EdgeCurve
    public double StartLatitude {get;s et;}
    public double StartLongitude {get; set;}

    public double EndLatitude {get; set;}
    public double EndLongitude {get; set;}

    public double Curve {get; set;}

    public double Distance {get;set;}

Bearing Code

public static class BearingHelper

    /// <summary>
    /// Angle between two points, where North is 0 and South is 180.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="lat0">Latitude for point A.</param>
    /// <param name="lon0">Longitude for point A.</param>
    /// <param name="lat1">Latitude for point B.</param>
    /// <param name="lon1">Longitude for point B.</param>
    /// <returns>Angle between points A and B, in degrees.</returns>
    public static double Degrees(double lat0, double lon0, double lat1, double lon1)
        var dlon = (lon1 - lon0).ToRadians();
        var dphi = Math.Log(Math.Tan(lat1.ToRadians() / 2 + PI_d4) / Math.Tan(lat0.ToRadians() / 2 + PI_d4));

        if (Math.Abs(dlon) > Math.PI)
            dlon = dlon > 0 ? -(PI_m2 - dlon) : (PI_m2 + dlon);

        return (Math.Atan2(dlon, dphi).ToDegrees() + 360) % 360;

    public static double AbsDifference(double bearing0, double bearing1)
        double diff = Math.Abs(bearing0 - bearing1);

        if (diff > 180)
            diff -= 360;

        return Math.Abs(diff);

public static class CoordinateMath
    /// <summary>
    /// PI multiplied by 2.
    /// </summary>
    public const double PI_m2 = 6.28318530718;

    /// <summary>
    /// PI divided by 4.
    /// </summary>
    public const double PI_d4 = 0.78539816339;

    /// <summary>
    /// Convert degrees to radians.
    /// </summary>
    public static double ToRadians(this double deg) => deg * 0.01745329252;

    /// <summary>
    /// Convert radians to degrees.
    /// </summary>
    public static double ToDegrees(this double rad) => rad * 57.295779513;

Array of Lat/Longs

    "Latitude": 53.743647,
    "Longitude": -0.347531
    "Latitude": 53.743635,
    "Longitude": -0.348089
    "Latitude": 53.74365,
    "Longitude": -0.348648
    "Latitude": 53.74369,
    "Longitude": -0.349114
    "Latitude": 53.743754,
    "Longitude": -0.3496
    "Latitude": 53.743867,
    "Longitude": -0.35029
    "Latitude": 53.743941,
    "Longitude": -0.350679
    "Latitude": 53.744063,
    "Longitude": -0.351096
    "Latitude": 53.744518,
    "Longitude": -0.352272
    "Latitude": 53.744557,
    "Longitude": -0.352369
    "Latitude": 53.744888,
    "Longitude": -0.353199
    "Latitude": 53.744925,
    "Longitude": -0.353296
    "Latitude": 53.745078,
    "Longitude": -0.353724
    "Latitude": 53.745176,
    "Longitude": -0.354035
    "Latitude": 53.745339,
    "Longitude": -0.354672
    "Latitude": 53.745494,
    "Longitude": -0.355461
    "Latitude": 53.745591,
    "Longitude": -0.356196
    "Latitude": 53.745644,
    "Longitude": -0.356898
    "Latitude": 53.74566,
    "Longitude": -0.357678
    "Latitude": 53.745633,
    "Longitude": -0.358616
    "Latitude": 53.745577,
    "Longitude": -0.359361
    "Latitude": 53.745521,
    "Longitude": -0.359924
    "Latitude": 53.745439,
    "Longitude": -0.360563
    "Latitude": 53.745344,
    "Longitude": -0.361198
    "Latitude": 53.745192,
    "Longitude": -0.362056
    "Latitude": 53.745051,
    "Longitude": -0.362748
    "Latitude": 53.744811,
    "Longitude": -0.363821
    "Latitude": 53.744539,
    "Longitude": -0.364885
    "Latitude": 53.74428,
    "Longitude": -0.365809
    "Latitude": 53.744023,
    "Longitude": -0.366656
    "Latitude": 53.743862,
    "Longitude": -0.367141
    "Latitude": 53.743723,
    "Longitude": -0.367545
    "Latitude": 53.7434,
    "Longitude": -0.368412
    "Latitude": 53.743096,
    "Longitude": -0.369159
    "Latitude": 53.742528,
    "Longitude": -0.370427
    "Latitude": 53.742197,
    "Longitude": -0.371099
    "Latitude": 53.741909,
    "Longitude": -0.371663
    "Latitude": 53.741679,
    "Longitude": -0.372077
    "Latitude": 53.741462,
    "Longitude": -0.372498
    "Latitude": 53.74131,
    "Longitude": -0.372765
    "Latitude": 53.737842,
    "Longitude": -0.379223
    "Latitude": 53.737396,
    "Longitude": -0.380011
    "Latitude": 53.737152,
    "Longitude": -0.380388
    "Latitude": 53.737006,
    "Longitude": -0.380587
    "Latitude": 53.736736,
    "Longitude": -0.380912
    "Latitude": 53.736466,
    "Longitude": -0.381183
    "Latitude": 53.736294,
    "Longitude": -0.381331
    "Latitude": 53.736187,
    "Longitude": -0.381417
    "Latitude": 53.735827,
    "Longitude": -0.381659
    "Latitude": 53.735664,
    "Longitude": -0.381751
    "Latitude": 53.735378,
    "Longitude": -0.381882
    "Latitude": 53.735185,
    "Longitude": -0.381952
    "Latitude": 53.734976,
    "Longitude": -0.382014
    "Latitude": 53.734575,
    "Longitude": -0.382077
    "Latitude": 53.734372,
    "Longitude": -0.382083
    "Latitude": 53.734044,
    "Longitude": -0.382055
    "Latitude": 53.733148,
    "Longitude": -0.381884
    "Latitude": 53.732913,
    "Longitude": -0.381838
    "Latitude": 53.732526,
    "Longitude": -0.381762
    "Latitude": 53.732156,
    "Longitude": -0.381722
    "Latitude": 53.731976,
    "Longitude": -0.381718
    "Latitude": 53.731854,
    "Longitude": -0.381728


  • Assuming you are satisfied with modeling your path as a sequence of line segments, you can simply calculate the curvature by calculating the signed angle between neighboring line segments.

    in pseudo code

    for(var i = 1; i < points.Length - 1; i++){
        var a = (points[i] - points[i-1]).Normalized;
        var b = (points[i+1] - points[i]).Normalized;
        // calculate signed angle between vectors
        angle = atan2( a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x, a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y );

    Code for calculating signed angle from finding signed angle between vectors

    If you want to have a smooth interpolation, like a Bézier spline, you can still create it, split it into shorter line segments and use the method above. But if you want a single curvature value for a smooth segment you need to define what that value should be. since smooth functions will have a continuous range of curvatures.

    Note that this assumes planar coordinates, if you have lat/long you might want to re-project to a planar coordinate system, potentially one for each line segment pair.