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s3fs suddenly stopped working in Google Colab with error "AttributeError: module 'aiobotocore' has no attribute 'AioSession'"

Yesterday the following cell sequence in Google Colab would work.

enter image description here

(I am using colab-env to import environment variables from Google Drive.)

This morning, when I run the same code, I get the following error.

enter image description here

It appears to be a new issue with s3fs and aiobotocore. I have some experience with Google Colab and library version dependency issues that I have previously solved by upgrading libraries in a particular order:

!pip install --upgrade library_name

But I am a bit stuck this morning with this one. It is affecting all of my Google Colab notebooks so I thought that perhaps it is affecting others who are using data stored in Amazon AWS S3 with Google Colab.

The version of s3fs that gets installed is 2021.07.0, which appears to be the latest.

enter image description here


  • Indeed, the breakage was with the release of aiobotocore 1.4.0 (today, 20 Aug 2021), which is fixed in release 2021.08.0 of s3fs, also today.