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React adding "build" to end of base url

I'm creating a basic React app using create-react-app. When I cd into the root folder and run npm run start or yarn start, the project url is http://localhost:3000/build.

Why is it adding build to the end of the url and how can I make the server load http://localhost:3000/ instead?


  • Under the package.json in your project folder root (the one that spawned into existence after you created the app using the create-react-app) there are scripts defined.

    There you can see what gets executed when you run npm run start or yarn start -> the "react-scripts start"

    BTW, you can just npm start - no need to npm run start.

    So where are these react scripts and what gets called?

    Well, in the project root folder is your node_modules. And in it there is a react-scripts subfolder and in it a folder named scripts and in it a file named start.js. This is what actually gets run.

    This chunk

    const urls = prepareUrls(
          paths.publicUrlOrPath.slice(0, -1)

    Determines URLs and it basically, "glues togather"/concats those parts the one you are interested in is:

    paths.publicUrlOrPath.slice(0, -1)

    the paths object is defined in: node_modules\react-scripts\config\paths.js

    In this file, this piece of code determines what you are after:

    const publicUrlOrPath = getPublicUrlOrPath(
      process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',

    So you have fiddled with process.env.PUBLIC_URL either in Node or maybe at OS level? I am not sysadmin. Bottom line is, you changed this one way or the other.

    I can give you a "get out of jail for free" card:

    In the root folder there is a package.json file and in it, you can add this line:

    "homepage": "",

    This will force the require(resolveApp('package.json')).homepage, to come into play, and use that instead as the final part of your URL.