I am looking for a class or method in c# language to validate bitcoin address.(OFFLINE)
I want to validate [Legacy
, Nested SegWit
, Native SegWit
] address types.
For this purpose i found this :
But it validates Legacy addresses only.
I also found this :
But i think it is using an api for this purpose & language is not c#.
I also found this :
This is not in c# language. It's php & i am not familiar with php.
I also found this :
Too old and only for Legacy addresses.
Please give me a solution on this.
Determine type of bitcoin address is not important for me.
I just want to know that a string is bitcoin address or not.
Correct Regex :
string re_path = @"^(?:[13]{1}[a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}|bc1[a-z0-9]{39,59})$";
Source :
Regex for Bitcoin Addresses
Attention :
Address length in Base58 is not fixed. It may be as small as 26 and as big as 35 (the other answer uses wrong values)
So i corrected it in this answer
Test :