I have a script that can print when necessary line is found in generated source code, but I have to remove those lines as well, I am wondering how can I do that? This task seems to be working for groovy but only prints found values for Kotlin.
tasks.register<Copy>("filter") {
from("src/generate-swagger/java") {
filter { line ->
if (line.contains("com.magazine.report.exception")) {
println("found import")
return@filter null
if (line.contains("throw new ReportException")) {
println("found exception")
return@filter line.replace("throw new ReportException", "throw new RuntimeException")
return@filter line
I was able to modify the content doing the following:
tasks.register<Copy>("filter") {
from("src/generate-swagger/java") {
filter { line ->
if (line.contains("com.magazine.report.exception")) {
return@filter ""
if (line.contains("throw new ReportException")) {
return@filter line.replace("throw new ReportException", "throw new RuntimeException")
return@filter line