Here is my code:
import re
string = r"('Option A' | 'Option B') & ('Option C' | 'Option D')"
word_list = re.split(r"[\(.\)]", string)
-> ['', "'Option A' | 'Option B'", ' & ', "'Option C' | 'Option D'", '']
I want the following result:
-> ["('Option A' | 'Option B')", ' & ', "('Option C' | 'Option D')"]
You can use re.findall
to capture each parenthesis group:
import re
string = r"('Option A' | 'Option B') & ('Option C' | 'Option D')"
pattern = r"(\([^\)]+\))"
re.findall(pattern, string)
# ["('Option A' | 'Option B')", "('Option C' | 'Option D')"]
This also works with re.split
re.split(pattern, string)
# ['', "('Option A' | 'Option B')", ' & ', "('Option C' | 'Option D')", '']
If you want to remove empty elements from using re.split
you can:
[s for s in re.split(pattern, string) if s]
# ["('Option A' | 'Option B')", ' & ', "('Option C' | 'Option D')"]
How the pattern
begin capture group\(
matches the character (
Match between one and unlimited characters that are not )
matches the character )
end capture group