I've a situation like this: I've some files (csv) in a folder in azure blob container. The adf pipeline will check if the folder is available/exists then it'll simply execute/run the process to load data into sql table. But if the folder does not exists, then also the adf pipeline should execute without failing (making a dry/blank execution) the pipeline i.e. do nothing. I did tried with using "Validation" activity and it gets timeout if the source path/source folder is not available/does not exists and adf pipeline do nothing but when I checked the azure "monitor" it says status "failed". Is it possible to make a blank adf pipeline execution when there are no files/folders exists in source?
Thanks, Rakesh
You can use the below flow: Getmetadataactivity (to check whether the file exists) Then If activity : if file exists then proceed with flow else do nothing
Get Meta data activity : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/control-flow-get-metadata-activity