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How to deploy Mercure Binary on heroku?

I am trying to deploy my Mercure server on a Heroku app I downloaded a Linux version of Mercure and extract it and I added this procfile to it:

web: ADDR=$PORT ./mercure

and I pushed everything using Heroku git

git push heroku master

but it doesn't work and Mercure fails in the building. I can't find any tutorial or anything inside the documentation.

How can I deploy my Mercure binary on Heroku?


  • In order to deploy Mercure binary on Heroku, you need to use a Binary Buildpack.

    I suggest this one:

    After creating a new app on Heroku, you can set that buildpack using buildpacks:set

    Run this command:

    heroku buildpacks:set -a myapp

    Add a procfile to your Mercure folder, it should contain:

    web: ./mercure -k "$SECRET" -c '*' -p '*' -a :$PORT -D -X

    and then push everything to Heroku.