I want to write a select query to pick data from a table which is shown in this image below,PICTURE_1 1.Table Containing Data and display it like this image in this link below, PICTURE_2 2.Result of the query
About the data: The first picture shows data logged into a table for 2 seconds from 3 IDs(1,2&3) having 2 sub IDs (aa&bb). Values and timestamp are also displayed in the picture. The table conatins only 3 column as shown in PICTURE_1. Could you guys help me write a query to display data in the table to get displayed as shown in the second image using Postgresql?. You can extract ID name using substring function. The language that Im using is plpgsql. Any ideas/logic also will be good.Thank you for your time.
Please try this. Here row value has been shown in column wise and also use CTE.
-- PostgreSQL(v11)
WITH cte_t AS (
SELECT LEFT(name, 1) id
, RIGHT(name, POSITION('.' IN REVERSE(name)) - 1) t_name
, value
, time_stamp
FROM test
, time_stamp :: DATE "date"
, time_stamp :: TIME "time"
, MAX(CASE WHEN t_name = 'aa' THEN value END) "aa"
, MAX(CASE WHEN t_name = 'bb' THEN value END) "bb"
FROM cte_t
GROUP BY id, time_stamp
ORDER BY date, time, id;
Please check from url https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=postgres_11&fiddle=6d35047560b3f83e6c906584b23034e9