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write_sheet() error: Don't know how to make an instance of `CellData` from something of class 'data.frame'

I queried this from our mongoDB

data2 <- table$find(
  query = '{"disabled" : true}',
  fields = '{"" : true, "_id": true')

View(data) looks as I would expect it but when I try to use the googlesheets4::write_sheet(data = data2, ss = "a google url", sheet = "a name")

it gives out this message:

Writing to "gsheetname"
Writing to sheet "a name"
Error: Don't know how to make an instance of `CellData` from something of class 'data.frame'.

creating an xls or csv works fine but gsheet doesn't. Data frames from other sources than mongoDB, can be written into a gsheet.


  • It is hard to answer without sample data.

    However, I have encountered this error and the problem is that the data frame contains a column with nested data. Using the tidyr, I have found unnest() to flatten the columns will allow the sheet to be written.