I am using the openwith package in emacs. I would like to open .fig files with xfig with some additional options, for example:
xfig -specialtext -latexfont -startlatexFont default file.fig
openwith is working for me with other file associations where I don't need to pass additional options. I tried the following in my .emacs file
'(("\\.fig\\'" "xfig" (file))))
which works, but
'(("\\.fig\\'" "xfig -specialtext -latexfont -startlatexFont default" (file))))
does not work (error: Wrong type argument: arrayp, nil)
, also
'(("\\.fig\\'" "xfig" (" -specialtext -latexfont -startlatexFont default " file))))
does not work, although here I don't get any error. It says "Opened file.fig in external program" but nothing happens. In this case, I notice that there is an xfig process running with all these options.
Could someone let me know how to fix this?
Thanks for the help.
I have no clue how this works, so I just document how one can figure it by reading the code:
The important code in openwith.el is the call to start-process in:
(dolist (oa openwith-associations)
(let (match)
(setq match (string-match (car oa) (car args))))
(when match
(let ((params (mapcar (lambda (x)
(if (eq x 'file)
(car args)
(format "%s" x))) (nth 2 oa))))
(apply #'start-process "openwith-process" nil
(cadr oa) params))
(kill-buffer nil)
(throw 'openwith-done t))))
The in your case oa would have the following structure, and the cadr is "xfig":
(cadr '("\.fig\'" "xfig" (file))) ;; expands to => xfig
This is the definition and doc of start-process:
Function: start-process name buffer-or-name program &rest args http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/elisp/html_node/Asynchronous-Processes.html
args, are strings that specify command line arguments for the program.
An example:
(start-process "my-process" "foo" "ls" "-l" "/user/lewis/bin")
Now we need to figure out how params is constructed. With your example the argument to the mapcar is:
(nth 2 '("\.fig\'" "xfig" (file))) ;=> (file)
By the way you can write such lines in the scratch buffer in emacs and run them with C-M-x.
The (car args) refers to the parameter you give to openwith-association, note how the occurance of 'file in (nth 2 oa) is replaced by that. I'll just replace it with "here.txt" for now:
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(if (eq x 'file)
(format "%s" x))) (nth 2 '("\.fig\'" "xfig" (file)))) ;=> ("here.txt")
Okay, now we see how the argument should be constructed:
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(if (eq x 'file)
(format "%s" x)))
(nth 2 '("\.fig\'" "xfig"
("-specialtext" "-latexfont" "-startlatexFont" "default" file))))
; => ("-specialtext" "-latexfont" "-startlatexFont" "default" "here.txt")
Try this:
(setq openwith-associations
'(("\\.fig\\'" "xfig" ("-specialtext" "-latexfont" "-startlatexFont" "default" file))))
You have to supply each word as a single string in the list of parameters.