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Is there a way to find out how many emoji slots left to use on a guild?

Is there a way to find out how many emoji slots left to use on a guild? Or just a total amount of emoji slots available for a certain guild




    Guild PremiumTier

    The premium tier (Boost level) of a guild:

    NONE     - 100 total slots
    TIER_1   - 200 total slots
    TIER_2   - 350 total slots
    TIER_3   - 500 total slots

    Can be used to count how many slots are available for a guild

    The slots between usual and animated emojis spread equally, you can calculate the amount of slots left for each type, like this

    ( tier level slots / 2 ) - the amount of emojis already uploaded of one of the types

    var totalEmojiSlots;
    if(message.guild.premiumTier == 1){
      totalEmojiSlots = 200;
    } else
    if(message.guild.premiumTier == 2){
      totalEmojiSlots = 350;
    } else
    if(message.guild.premiumTier == 3){
      totalEmojiSlots = 500;
    } else {
      totalEmojiSlots = 100;
    // And each emoji type takes half of total emoji slots