I want to convert R code with a power element (x^y) to Rcpp. Rcpp uses pow(x,y) but it appears to not be vectorized. The following example returns NaN NaN.
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector vecTest(NumericVector x) {
return pow(x, 0.25);
/*** R
test <- c(-1.19556e+12, -1.24111e+12)
I can write a for loop that would step through the elements of the x vector but I'm wondering if there is something I'm just missing.
It sometimes helps to
look at the header file defining the function you want to use
look at some unit tests deploying the function you want to use
keep your examples simple
vary the arguments a little
be sure you hit the function from the namespace you want to hit
#include <Rcpp.h>
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector mypow(Rcpp::NumericVector x, double expo) {
return Rcpp::pow(x, expo);
/*** R
v <- c(2, 3, 4, 1.2e12, -1.2e12)
mypow(v, 2)
mypow(v, 0.5)
> Rcpp::sourceCpp("~/git/stackoverflow/68852817/answer.cpp")
> v <- c(2,3,4)
> mypow(v, 2)
[1] 4.00e+00 9.00e+00 1.60e+01 1.44e+24 1.44e+24
> mypow(v, 0.5)
[1] 1.41421e+00 1.73205e+00 2.00000e+00 1.09545e+06 NaN
Seems to work as advertised. Vector argument for exponentiation by a scalar.
Edit: Updated to show some 'large' values in your example. Roots of negative reals don't work, but that is a math issue and not a question of the compiler, library or package.