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What is the token name for types in VSCode Typescript syntax highlighting?

I'd like to change the styling of my VSCode syntax highlighting, so that I can differentiate between types and classes.

class Thing; // should be one color
type ThingT; // should be another color

What is the name the token name I would need to specify? Will I need TODO Highlight?


  • The foreground color of class uses the scope type uses

    Update: If overriding in settings.json, use:

    "editor.semanticTokenColorCustomizations": {
        "enabled": true,
        "rules": {
            "type": {
                "foreground": "#ff0000" // color here

    FYI, you can see scopes with the Developer: Inspect Editor Tokens and Scopes command. For example, I got this for my TypeScript class:

    language typescript
    standard token type Other
    foreground #FFCB6B
    background #0F0F0F
    contrast ratio 12.78
    --- ---
    textmate scopes meta.class.ts source.ts
    foreground { "foreground": "#FFCB6B" }

    View Scopes Command


    You might also use the Developer: Generate Color Theme From Current Settings command:

    generate theme

    generated theme token