It should become a little consolewalker program but I can't fill the 2d-array I created in class Field
in class Player
by brackets because there "are to many arguments" for set function despite there is one that should fit. Also I have learned that it isn't even necessary in Kotlin.
So I am a little bit confused and get no further.
fun main() {
val gameField = Field()
val player = Player(gameField.field)
var input: String? = " "
while (input != "x") {
println("w: ↑ a: ← s: ↓ d: →")
input = readLine()
when (input) {
"w" -> player.counter = 0
"a" -> player.counter = 1
"s" -> player.counter = 2
"d" -> player.counter = 3
"x" -> return println("Spiel wird beendet")
" " -> player.move()
else -> println("Ungültige Eingabe")
class Field() {
private var field = Array(10) {Array(10){" "}}
operator fun set(row: Int, col: Int, value: String) {
field[row][col] = value
operator fun get(row: Int, col: Int) = field[row][col]
fun buildField() {
for (i in field.indices) {
field[i][0] = "# "
field[i][field.size - 1] = "# "
for (j in 1 until field.size - 1) {
field[i][j] = " "
field[0][j] = "# "
field[field.size - 1][j] = "# "
fun printField() {
for (i in field.indices) {
for (j in field[i].indices) {
class Player(private var gameField: Array<Array<String>>) {
private val playerSign = arrayOf<String>("↑ ", "← ", "↓ ", "→ ")
var currentRow = 4
var currentColumn = 4
var counter = 0
init {
fun setPlayer() {
gameField[currentRow, currentColumn] = playerSign[counter]
fun reset() {
gameField[currentRow, currentColumn] = " "
fun move() {
when(counter) {
0 -> if (currentRow > 1) currentRow--
1 -> if (currentColumn > 1) currentColumn--
2 -> if (currentRow < gameField.size-2) currentRow++
3 -> if (currentColumn < gameField.size-2) currentColumn++
Thanks in advance!
Problem with your code is that in class Player
is of type Field
, its not an array
, that is why compiler is giving you the error. if you want to access the field array of Field
class then you should do
field.field[3][3] = playerSign[counter]