I implemented the code below and it works perfectly fine when I run it in on local machine with npm start
However, when I deploy it on Firebase, the sendOrderEmail function doesn't work.
I don't even get any logs.
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
const {email, password} = require('./config');
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const htmlToText = require('nodemailer-html-to-text').htmlToText;
const mailTransport = nodemailer.createTransport({
service: 'gmail',
auth: {
user: email,
pass: password
mailTransport.use("compile", htmlToText());
const APP_NAME = 'the.Travelest';
exports.sendUserEmail = functions.database
.onCreate(request => {
return sendOrderEmail(request.val().email);
async function sendOrderEmail(email){
const mailOptions = {
from: `${APP_NAME}`,
to: email,
subject: `Your order from ${APP_NAME}`,
html: `
<strong> Hello </strong>
return await mailTransport.sendMail(mailOptions);
UPDATE After checking the logic, I believe that I've found the issues in another place.
So, the logic is - when I click on SUBMIT in form, I send the data to Firebase Runtime Database. And this action triggers the function above and send the email.
However, the SUBMIT button doesn't trigger the process it should trigger. I don't see even console.log
result in the console, when I click on SUBMIT
Again, it works locally, when I run nom start
Here is the submit handler:
const handleSubmit = event => {
const newRequestRef = database.ref('lettersRequest').push();
const newRequest = {
country: values.country,
travelersAmount: values.travelersAmount,
introExtro: values.introExtro,
comments: values.comments,
email: values.email,
phone: values.phone
email: values.email,
request: newRequest
console.log("no error")
So, the issue was even more trivial than I could expect :D I did deploy to firebase, but I've never did commit and build project... As a result, nothing was updated after each deploy.
Stupid mistake