To import a json into Neo4J, I use these two requests:
Request 1:
CALL apoc.load.json("file:///files.json") yield value
unwind value.nodes as node
merge (file:File {id:node.path}) ON CREATE SET =
Request 2:
CALL apoc.load.json("file:///files.json") yield value
unwind value.edges as edge
(source:File {id: edge.sourceId}),
(target:File {id: edge.targetId})
CREATE (source)-[:`R`]->(target)
The result is the correct one (254 nodes and 3578 relationships).
Now I will like to merge these two queries into one, so I am using the WITH statement as follows:
CALL apoc.load.json("file:///files.json") yield value
unwind value.nodes as node
merge (file:File {id:node.path}) ON CREATE SET =
WITH value
unwind value.edges as edge
(source:File {id: edge.sourceId}),
(target:File {id: edge.targetId})
CREATE (source)-[:`R`]->(target)
I get the right number of nodes but not the right number of edges (254 nodes and 908812 relationships). Any idea what's going on here?
I didn't understand the problem, but found a solution by replacing the MATCH / CREATE part of the relationship.
Valid request:
CALL apoc.load.json("file:///files.json") yield value
unwind value.nodes as node
merge (file:File {id:node.path}) ON CREATE SET =
WITH value
unwind value.edges as edge
MATCH (source:File {id: edge.sourceId}), (target:File {id: edge.targetId})
MERGE (source)-[:`R`]->(target)