Trying to automate away a warning window when connecting to a remote desktop.
MsgBox inside the If shows I have the handle.
Both the check box and connect are buttons. Instance 1 for the check box. Instance 11 for Connect.
I tried with ControlClick.
Also with GUI button check
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here? Or of an alternative method to doing the same thing?
Remove the text parameter in the first instance. Did you obtain the controls and are confident they are accurate? If so you're looking for:
$g_hWnd1 = WinWait("Remote Desktop Connection", "", 5) ;Wait for popup
If IsHWnd($g_hWnd1) = 1 Then ;if handle is found
MsgBox(0, "", "First warning handle found", 5) ;notify
Sleep(2500) ;sleep
$g_hCheckBox = ControlGetHandle($g_hWnd1, "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]") ;stores checkbox in variable
_GUICtrlButton_SetCheck($g_hCheckBox, True) ;checks checkbox
ControlClick($g_hWnd1, "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:11]") ;selects Connect