I am writing a code to simulate random walk in 3D space on Matlab. However, there seems to be a problem with my number of simulations, M. I want to animate multiple simulations on the same graph but I am only get 1 simulation. My input of M instead becomes the number of steps. How can I fix this code? Thank you.
I want it to look like the animation in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A83lXbs6Ik But after each simulation is complete, another one starts on the same graph but a different color. The end result should be like this final
N = input('Enter the number of steps in a single run: '); % Length of the x-axis and random walk.
M = input('Enter the number of simulation runs to do: '); % The number of random walks.
x_t(1) = 0;
y_t(1) = 0;
z_t(1) = 0;
for m=1:M
for n = 1:N % Looping all values of N into x_t(n).
A = sign(randn); % Generates either +1/-1 depending on the SIGN of RAND.
x_t(n+1) = x_t(n) + A;
A = sign(randn); % Generates either +1/-1 depending on the SIGN of RAND.
y_t(n+1) = y_t(n) + A;
A = sign(randn);
z_t(n+1) = z_t(n) + A;
plot3([x_t(1) x_t(n+1)], [y_t(1) y_t(n+1)], [z_t(1) z_t(n+1)], 'g');
hold on
grid on
x_t = x_t(n+1);
y_t = y_t(n+1);
z_t = z_t(n+1);
You are plotting in the wrong place:
N = 100
M = 5
x_t(1) = 0;
y_t(1) = 0;
z_t(1) = 0;
c=lines(M) % save colors so each m has its own
for m=1:M
for n = 1:N % Looping all values of N into x_t(n).
A = sign(randn); % Generates either +1/-1 depending on the SIGN of RAND.
x_t(n+1) = x_t(n) + A;
A = sign(randn); % Generates either +1/-1 depending on the SIGN of RAND.
y_t(n+1) = y_t(n) + A;
A = sign(randn);
z_t(n+1) = z_t(n) + A;
plot3([x_t(n) x_t(n+1)], [y_t(n) y_t(n+1)], [z_t(n) z_t(n+1)],'color',c(m,:));
hold on
grid on