I want to use Terraform to create a new virtual server using an existing Customer Image, just like manually under https://cloud.ibm.com/vpc-ext/compute/images. I used an example code snippet and only replaced the name of the image (r010-...).
data "ibm_is_image" "centos" {
name = "r010-489ff05b-1494-4a05-8b12-c6f44a958859"
# Virtual Server Insance
resource "ibm_is_instance" "vsi1" {
name = "${local.BASENAME}-vsi1"
vpc = ibm_is_vpc.vpc-instance.id
keys = [data.ibm_is_ssh_key.ssh_key_id.id]
zone = local.ZONE
image = data.ibm_is_image.centos.id
profile = "cx2-2x4"
# References to the subnet and security groups
primary_network_interface {
subnet = ibm_is_subnet.subnet1.id
security_groups = [ibm_is_security_group.sg1.id]
The error message is:
Error: No image found with name r010-489ff05b-1494-4a05-8b12-c6f44a958859
It seems that only public AWS images can be used.
Seems like you're using id
in place of name
data "ibm_is_image" "centos" {
name = "r010-489ff05b-1494-4a05-8b12-c6f44a958859"
try using the name
of the image