I'm converting some async/await code to chained tasks, so I can use it in the released framework. The await code looks like this
public async Task<TraumMessage> Get() {
var message = await Invoke("GET");
var memorized = await message.Memorize();
return memorized;
Task<TraumMessage> Invoke(string verb) {}
Task<TraumMessage> Memorize() {}
I was hoping to chain Invoke
and Memorize
to return the task produced by Memorize
, but that results in a Task<Task<TraumMessage>
. The solution i've ended up is a TaskCompletionSource<TraumMessage>
as my signal:
public Task<TraumMessage> Get() {
var completion = new TaskCompletionSource<TraumMessage>();
Invoke("GET").ContinueWith( t1 => {
if(t1.IsFaulted) {
t1.Result.Memorize().ContinueWith( t2 => {
if(t2.IsFaulted) {
return completion.Task;
Is there a way to accomplish this without the TaskCompletionSource
I think that's pretty much the only way to accomplish what you want. Chaining disparate Tasks together isn't supported by the continuation APIs, so you have to resort to using a TaskCompletionSource
like you have to coordinate the work.
I don't have the Async CTP installed on this machine, but why don't you take a look at the code with a decompiler (or ILDASM if you know how to read IL) to see what it's doing. I bet it does something very similar to your TCS code under the covers.