The problem:
Given a 2D matrix consist of 0 and 1, you can only go in location with 1. Start at point (x, y), we can move to 4 adjacent points: up, down, left, right; which are: (x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1).
Find a path from point (x, y) to point (s, t) so that it has the least number of turns.
My question:
I tried to solve this problem using dijsktra, it got most of the cases right, but in some cases, it didn't give the most optimal answer.
Here's my code:
pair<int,int> go[4] = {{-1,0}, {0,1}, {1,0}, {0,-1}};
bool minimize(int &x, const int &y){
if(x > y){
x = y;
return true;
}return false;
struct Node{
pair<int,int> point;
int turn, direc;
Node(pii _point, int _turn, int _direc){
point = _point;
turn = _turn;
direc = _direc;
bool operator < (const Node &x) const{
return turn > x.turn;
void dijkstra(){
memset(turns, 0x3f, sizeof turns);
turns[xHome][yHome] = -1;
priority_queue<Node> pq;
pq.push(Node({xHome, yHome}, -1, -1));
while(!pq.empty() && > turns[][])pq.pop();
pii point =;
int direc =;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
int x = point.first + go[i].first ;
int y = point.second + go[i].second;
if(!x || x > row || !y || y > col)continue;
if(minimize(turns[x][y], turns[point.first ][point.second] + (i != direc)))
pq.push(Node({x, y}, turns[x][y], i));
P/S: The main solving is in void dijkstra
, the others are just to give some more information in case you guys need it.
I have found a way to solve this problem, storing directions and using BFS() to reduce the time complexity:
struct Node{
short row, col;
char dir;
Node(int _row = 0, int _col = 0, int _dir = 0){
row = _row; col = _col; dir = _dir;
void BFS(){
memset(turns, 0x3f, sizeof turns);
deque<pair<int, Node> > dq;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
Node s(xHome + dx[i], yHome + dy[i], i);
turns[s.row][s.col][s.dir] = 0;
dq.push_back({0, s});
int d = dq.front().fi;
Node u = dq.front().se;
if(d != turns[u.row][u.col][u.dir])continue;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
Node v(u.row + dx[i], u.col + dy[i], i);
if(minimize(turns[v.row][v.col][v.dir], turns[u.row][u.col][u.dir] + (i != u.dir))){
if(i == u.dir)dq.push_front({turns[v.row][v.col][v.dir], v});
else dq.push_back({turns[v.row][v.col][v.dir], v});
trace[v.row][v.col][v.dir] = u;