I am trying to pass objects in my angular project instead of separate fields. But i am receiving a "Error: Uncaught (in promise): DataCloneError: The object could not be cloned." :(
This is the code:
var errorJsonNav: NavigationExtras = {state:{errorJson:ErrorJsonDTO}};
this.router.navigate(['error'], errorJsonNav);
This is the DTO:
export class ErrorJsonDTO {
excepcionProducida: boolean;
errorDescripcion: string;
codigoIncidencia: string;
correcto: boolean;
horaActual: string;
mensajeBase: string;
And this the data of the example:
The fields are very simple, some strings and some booleans. Why i have a clone problem? :(
Thank to the guide of ritesh i make the solution.
The component sender must code this:
var errorJsonNav: NavigationExtras = {state:{errorJson:errorJson}};
this.router.navigate(['error'], errorJsonNav);
So the error, in the first line, was in the state part. State must have a key-value format. Isnt necesary to indicate the type of the object i am sending.
In the component receiver is good the original code:
var navigation = this.router.getCurrentNavigation();
var state = navigation?.extras.state as {errorJson:ErrorJsonDTO};
this.errorJson = state.errorJson;