HTML Code:
<p class="target">
<span>I am Span 1 of target_value 1*</span>
<span>I am Span 2 of target_value 2*</span>
target_value /* I want to get this value in cypress test case */
Note*: Both the texts "I am Span 1 of target_value 1" and "I am Span 2 of target_value 2" are dynamic and can change at times.But these spans might contain the text "target_value". In cypress test case how can I select the text "target_value" in
directly(not in its children) and check if it is rendering or not. I just want to get the main text value which is not inside any of its children element.What you target is a text node. There are 3, but the first two are just spacing chars between spans.
.then($el => $el[0].childNodes)
.then(children => [...children].filter(child => {
return child.nodeType === 3 // ignore <span>s
&& child.textContent.trim() !== '' // remove spacing between <span>s
.then(textNodes => textNodes[0].textContent.trim())
.should('eq', 'target_value /* I want to get this value in cypress test case */')
If the target text is always last within <p>
.then($p => $p[0].lastChild.nodeValue.trim())
.should('eq', 'target_value /* I want to get this value in cypress test case */')
Excluding children with .not(children())
.then($p => $p.contents().not(Cypress.$('p').children()).text().trim())
.should('eq', 'target_value /* I want to get this value in cypress test case */')
Clone and remove children
.then($p => $p.clone().children().remove().end().text().trim())
.should('eq', 'target_value /* I want to get this value in cypress test case */')