I'm reading in package data from a csv to my hashtable and when I go to print the data to check if it's being inserted correctly, I'm getting the memory address of the values. It reads in the packageID and prints that piece correctly. I apologize for formatting the entire project in one file currently. I'm new to Python and how the files work together. When I have them split to separate files in Pycharm I couldn't tell what was being executed since it's dropdown menu would run a single file at a time (my guess)?
import csv
import math
class hashtable:
# Set initial capacity of the Hashtable to 40 and sets the buckets to empty.
def __init__(self, initial_capacity=40):
# initialize the hash table with empty bucket list entries.
self.table = []
for i in range(initial_capacity):
# Inserts new key:value pair into desired bucket.
def insert(self, key, item): # does both insert and update
# get the bucket list where this item will go.
bucket = hash(key) % len(self.table)
bucket_list = self.table[bucket]
key_value = [key, item]
return True
# Searches for the package using its packageID as the key and returns it if found.
def search(self, key):
# get the bucket list where this key would be.
bucket = hash(key) % len(self.table)
bucket_list = self.table[bucket]
# print(bucket_list)
# search for the key in the bucket list
for kv in bucket_list:
# print (key_value)
if kv[0] == key:
return kv[1] # value
return None
# Removes a package with the matching key.
def remove(self, key):
# get the bucket list where this item will be removed from.
bucket = hash(key) % len(self.table)
bucket_list = self.table[bucket]
# remove the item from the bucket list if it is present.
for kv in bucket_list:
# print (key_value)
if kv[0] == key:
bucket_list.remove([kv[0], kv[1]])
class Package:
def __init__(self, ID, Address, City, State, Zip, Deadline, Weight, Notes, Status, Deliverytime):
self.packageID = ID
self.packageAddress = Address
self.packageCity = City
self.packageState = State
self.packageZip = Zip
self.packageDeadline = Deadline
self.packageWeight = Weight
self.packageNotes = Notes
self.packageStatus = Status
self.deliveryTime = Deliverytime
def loadPackageData(fileName):
with open(fileName) as Package_List:
packageData = csv.reader(Package_List, delimiter=',')
for package in packageData:
pID = int(package[0])
pAddress = package[1]
pCity = package[2]
pState = package[3]
pZip = package[4]
pDeadline = package[5]
pWeight = package[6]
pNotes = package[7]
pStatus = "At hub"
pDeliverytime = "00:00"
#package object
p = Package(pID, pAddress, pCity, pState, pZip, pDeadline, pWeight, pNotes, pStatus, pDeliverytime)
#print (p)
# insert into the hash table
myHash.insert(pID, p)
# Hash table instance
myHash = hashtable()
# Load packages to Hashtable
print("Packages from Hashtable:")
# Fetch data from hashtable
#for i in range (len(myHash.table)+1):
# print("Package: {}".format(myHash.search(i+1))) # 1 to 40 sent to myHash.search()
When print(myHash.table) is called I get output structured like this except for all 40 packages.
[[[40, <__main__.Package object at 0x000001E1489114C0>]], [[1, <__main__.Package object at 0x000001E148914220>]], [[2, <__main__.Package object at 0x000001E148911DF0>]], [[3, <__main__.Package object at 0x000001E148911D00>]]
I couldn't understand how to implement another post asking a similar question with my project so I am here now. I really appreciate all of you for any help!
You must override __repr__
and __str__
methods for class to be able print what you need.
In other way you may add own human_readable
-like property
class PackageA:
def __init__(self, ID, Address, City, State, Zip, Deadline, Weight, Notes, Status, Deliverytime):
self.packageID = ID
self.packageAddress = Address
self.packageCity = City
self.packageState = State
self.packageZip = Zip
self.packageDeadline = Deadline
self.packageWeight = Weight
self.packageNotes = Notes
self.packageStatus = Status
self.deliveryTime = Deliverytime
class PackageB:
def __init__(self, ID, Address, City, State, Zip, Deadline, Weight, Notes, Status, Deliverytime):
self.packageID = ID
self.packageAddress = Address
self.packageCity = City
self.packageState = State
self.packageZip = Zip
self.packageDeadline = Deadline
self.packageWeight = Weight
self.packageNotes = Notes
self.packageStatus = Status
self.deliveryTime = Deliverytime
def __str__(self):
return f'STR is <{self.packageID} {self.packageAddress} {self.packageCity} {self.packageState} {self.packageZip} {self.packageDeadline} {self.packageWeight} {self.packageNotes} {self.packageStatus} {self.deliveryTime}>'
def __repr__(self):
return f'REPR is <{self.packageID} {self.packageAddress} {self.packageCity} {self.packageState} {self.packageZip} {self.packageDeadline} {self.packageWeight} {self.packageNotes} {self.packageStatus} {self.deliveryTime}>'
def human_readable(self):
return f'Readable representation is <{self.packageID} {self.packageAddress} {self.packageCity} {self.packageState} {self.packageZip} {self.packageDeadline} {self.packageWeight} {self.packageNotes} {self.packageStatus} {self.deliveryTime}>'
packagesA = []
packagesB = []
for i in range(0,3):
packagesA.append(PackageA(f"ID{i}", f"Address{i}", f"City{i}", f"State{i}", f"Zip{i}", f"Deadline{i}", f"Weight{i}", f"Notes{i}", f"Status{i}", f"Deliverytime{i}"))
packagesB.append(PackageB(f"ID{i}", f"Address{i}", f"City{i}", f"State{i}", f"Zip{i}", f"Deadline{i}", f"Weight{i}", f"Notes{i}", f"Status{i}", f"Deliverytime{i}"))
print([str(x) for x in packagesB])
print([x.human_readable for x in packagesB])
[<__main__.PackageA object at 0x104ca0710>, <__main__.PackageA object at 0x104ca0a90>, <__main__.PackageA object at 0x104ca0e10>]
[REPR is <ID0 Address0 City0 State0 Zip0 Deadline0 Weight0 Notes0 Status0 Deliverytime0>, REPR is <ID1 Address1 City1 State1 Zip1 Deadline1 Weight1 Notes1 Status1 Deliverytime1>, REPR is <ID2 Address2 City2 State2 Zip2 Deadline2 Weight2 Notes2 Status2 Deliverytime2>]
['STR is <ID0 Address0 City0 State0 Zip0 Deadline0 Weight0 Notes0 Status0 Deliverytime0>', 'STR is <ID1 Address1 City1 State1 Zip1 Deadline1 Weight1 Notes1 Status1 Deliverytime1>', 'STR is <ID2 Address2 City2 State2 Zip2 Deadline2 Weight2 Notes2 Status2 Deliverytime2>']
['Readeable representation is <ID0 Address0 City0 State0 Zip0 Deadline0 Weight0 Notes0 Status0 Deliverytime0>', 'Readeable representation is <ID1 Address1 City1 State1 Zip1 Deadline1 Weight1 Notes1 Status1 Deliverytime1>', 'Readeable representation is <ID2 Address2 City2 State2 Zip2 Deadline2 Weight2 Notes2 Status2 Deliverytime2>']