I have a following problem and corresponding code:
You have a rectangular field of size NxM. You have K marked cells. N,M,K and marked cells coordinates are read from an input file. Two marked cells are considered adjacent if they share a side. The task is to compute the number of connected components and write it to an output file.
The following code passes almost all test cases and runs on all cases I came up with on repl.it, but gives runtime-error in the automated checking system. I can't really access what the error is.
with open("input.txt") as f:
inp = f.readlines()
line1 = list(map(int, inp[0].strip().split()))
N = line1[0]
M = line1[1]
K = line1[2]
#represent marked cells as a dictionary, key = cells, value = list of marked neighbors
dict_ = {tuple(map(int, x.strip().split())): [] for x in inp[1:]}
#collect neighbors
def get_neighbors(idx):
i = idx[0]
j = idx[1]
ans = [(i - 1, j), (i + 1, j), (i, j - 1), (i, j + 1)]
return ans
#add them to the graph
def add_neighbors(idx):
neighbors = get_neighbors(idx)
dict_[idx] = [x for x in neighbors if x in dict_.keys()] # return(None)
def dfs_recursive(graph, vertex, visited, path):
visited[vertex] = True
for neighbor in graph[vertex]:
if not visited[neighbor]:
path = dfs_recursive(graph, neighbor, visited, path)
return path
def conn_comps(graph):
visited = {vertex: False for vertex in graph}
comps = []
for vertex in graph:
if not visited[vertex]:
path = []
v_path = dfs_recursive(graph, vertex, visited, path)
return comps
#populate neighbors
for idx in dict_.keys():
ans = len(conn_comps(dict_))
FOUT = open("output.txt", "w")
My only guess is the problem with dict size - K can be as high as 10^5 by definition, N,M up to 10^5 as well. Can someone comment and suggest other improvements? This a practice problem from an old intro-level contest.
In case someone finds this - you just hit python's default recursion limit of 1000. Need to either rewrite iteratively or increase it manually sys.setrecursionlimit
. Alas.