Search code examples

MySQL: Convert Field with StackOverflow-style Coded URLs to HTML

We have a legacy database table full of StackOverflow-like coded URLs.

| TABLE_COMMENTS                                                                    |
| f_ID | f_comment                                                                 |
|   1  | To buy coffee [click here]( or [here]( |
|   2  | Check [this out](                                |
|   3  | [Cat Photos](                              |

I need to SELECT these as standard HTML so they look like the below table.

| f_comment                                                                                        |
| To buy coffee <a href="">click here</a> or <a href="">here</a> |
| Check <a href="">this out</a>                                           |
| <a href="">Cat Photos</a>                                         |

I have a method that will work if there is just one URL in the f_comment field, but I can't work out how to make it work for, like row 1 where there are two URLs.

        substring_index(substring_index(f_comment, '[', 1),')', 1),
        "<a href=", 
        substring_index(substring_index(f_comment, '(', -1),')', 1),
        substring_index(substring_index(f_comment, '[', -1),']', 1),
    AS f_replacementtext

SQL Fiddle

Results of my incomplete query, where it misses the first URL of f_ID 1

| f_comment                                                |
| To buy coffee <a href="">here</a>        |
| Check <a href="">this out</a>   |
| <a href="">Cat Photos</a> |


  • set @col =
    'To buy coffee <a src=>click here</a> or <a src=>here</a>';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE( @col, '<a src=(http.*?)>(.*?)</a>', '[$2]($1)');
    | REGEXP_REPLACE( @col, '<a src=(http.*?)>(.*?)</a>', '[$2]($1)')            |
    | To buy coffee [click here]( or [here]( |

    Going the other way...

    SET @col =
    'To buy coffee [click here]( or [here](';
    REGEXP_REPLACE( @col, '\\[(.*?)\\][(](http.*?)[)]',
                          '<a src=\$2>\$1</a>' ); 
    | REGEXP_REPLACE( @col, '\\[(.*?)\\][(](http.*?)[)]',
                              '<a src=\$2>\$1</a>' ) |
    | To buy coffee <a src=>click here</a> or <a src=>here</a>           |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)