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Escaping backslash in R Sweave document causing line break

I want to write something in an R Sweave document so that the following appears in the compiled PDF:

When you write "\beta" and compile the document, you see "β".

However, when I escape the backslash for beta, I'm getting a line break, which is not desired.

How do I get "\beta" rather than a line break?

Example from file test.rnw:



When you write ``\\beta'' and compile the document, you see ``$\beta$''.



enter image description here


Macbook Pro, R 4.1.0, RStudio 1.4.1717, rmarkdown 2.9, and some version of MacTex installed. RStudio is set to compile using knitr and pdflatex.


  • Use \textbackslash

    When you write ``\textbackslash beta'' and compile the document, you see ``$\beta$''.