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Odoo V14 - lxml.etree.XPathSyntaxError: Invalid predicate

I am working on a new module that consists of adding the product weight and the total weight in the stock_picking report, but I have a problem with my xpaths.

The error : lxml.etree.XPathSyntaxError: Invalid predicate

I have looked at them very carefully but I can't find what is wrong. Could you please help me?

The code :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <template id="report_picking_inherit" inherit_id="stock.report_picking">

         <xpath expr="//td[contains(@t-if, 'has_barcode') and contains(@class, 'text-center')]" position="after">
                    <span t-if="o.state != 'done'" t-esc="ml.product_id.weight"/>
                    <span t-if="o.state == 'done'" t-esc="ml.product_id.weight"/>

        <xpath expr="//table[contains(@t-if, 'o.move_line_ids') and contains(@t-if, 'and') and contains(@t-if, 'o.move_ids_without_package')" position="after">
                <span t-field="o.stock_total_weight"/>


Thanks by advance...


  • The "predicate" is the part of the xpath in square brackets, so you want to be looking for the problem there. Looking closer, you have a missing closing square bracket in //table[contains(@t-if, 'o.move_line_ids') and contains(@t-if, 'and') and contains(@t-if, 'o.move_ids_without_package')

    Try it as

    <xpath expr="//table[contains(@t-if, 'o.move_line_ids') and contains(@t-if, 'and') and contains(@t-if, 'o.move_ids_without_package')]" position="after">