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Please explain the outcome of Shape r = new Square() and why Square's methods aren't available

I'm working through Jeff Fritz's c# tutorial videos, and there is some code like this that uses an abstract class:

public abstract class Shape {}
public class Rectangle : Shape {}
public class Square : Rectangle {
    public string SquareOnlyMethod() { return "I am a square"; }

public static void Main()
    Square s = new Square(); 
    Console.WriteLine(s.GetType());            // Square
    Console.WriteLine(s is Shape);             // True
    Console.WriteLine(s is Rectangle);         // True
    Console.WriteLine(s is Square);            // True
    Console.WriteLine(s.SquareOnlyMethod());   // I am a square
    Shape r = new Square();
    Console.WriteLine(r.GetType());            // Square
    Console.WriteLine(r is Shape);             // True
    Console.WriteLine(r is Rectangle);         // True
    Console.WriteLine(r is Square);            // True
    Console.WriteLine(r.SquareOnlyMethod());   // 'Shape' does not contain a definition for 'SquareOnlyMethod' and no extension method 'SquareOnlyMethod' accepting a first argument of type 'Shape' could be found

Can somebody please explain the following?

  1. What is actually created when we do Shape r = new Square();? Is it a Shape or a Square?
  2. Why does GetType return Square but then the method cannot be found that is within the Square class?

Jeff says (if I understand correctly) that, "'Shape` is created with the footprint of Square", but then moves on.



  • The problem you are seeing starts with the following line Shape r = new Square(); because even though you are creating a Square but using the base type. I am assuming the concept Jeff is trying to show you is Polymorphism which can be check here with a better example of the shapes problem

    In the Microsoft example you see that the base class provides common functionality for any derive class (shape) to leverage, extend, or override. So you can potentially treat a single array of different Shape children as Shapes and access or call methods (virtual for overriding) across any child shape (hence many forms).

    var shapes = new List<Shape>
        new Rectangle(),
        new Triangle(),
        new Circle()
    // Polymorphism at work #2: the virtual method Draw is
    // invoked on each of the derived classes, not the base class.
    foreach (var shape in shapes)