I have an app that starts to play audio files automatically on a specific screen.
I want to display relevant message on the screen according to the playing audio.
The problem is that every time I load the audio it takes different time for it to load, and therefore I don't know when to start displaying the message.
I want to know when the audio starts to play (no user input for that).
Future<int> _playAudio({required String url}) async {
final playPosition = (_position != null &&
_duration != null &&
_position!.inMilliseconds > 0 &&
_position!.inMilliseconds < _duration!.inMilliseconds)
? _position
: null;
final result = await _audioPlayer.play(url, position: playPosition);
if (result == 1) {
setState(() => _playerState = PlayerState.PLAYING);
return result;
You can listen to PlayerState
event of _audioPlayer
as documented here State Event
_audioPlayer.onPlayerStateChanged.listen((PlayerState s) => {
print('Current player state: $s');
setState(() => _playerState = s);