We are storing a map in DynamoDB (not my design choice). So, basically a key can contain a list of values. Something like map[string][]someStruct.
We can only append a value to a given key if there are only N or less values for a given key. For example, if "key1" already has 3 values, I cannot append another value, but if it has less than 3 values, I can append one more value.
I looked at Conditional Writes, but couldn't find a conditional expression that would help with this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You would need to store the number of records in the list along side the list, perhaps something like this would work:
"key1": {
"list": [1,2,3,4],
"listLength": 4
You'll need to make sure that the list and listLength are kept in sync.
Alternatively you can get the item, check the length and then update with a condition to make sure it hasn't been updated between you get and update operation.